Monday, January 20, 2014

GIS solusi kebutuhan Informasi Bisnis Perusahaan berdasarkan Peta

(Geographic Information System)

Penyanjian informasi berbasis peta kini sudah menjadi sebuah kebutuhan penting bagi sebuah perusahaan untuk menganalisa pertumbuhan perusahaan dan pengambilan keputusan strategis. Apapun perusahaan Anda pastilah perusahaan Anda memiliki data konsumen. Setiap data konsumen yang perusahaan Anda miliki tentunya terkelompokan dalam sebuah pengelompokan tertentu. Katakanlah pengelompokkan konsumen berdasarkan volume pembeliannya? misalnya : Distributor, SubDistribtor, Pengecer, dsb. Pengelompokkan konsumen berdasarkan jenis bisnisnya? misalnya : Hotel, Rumah Sakit, Apotik, Toko, Hypermarket, Supermarket, dsb. Dan tentunya pengelompokkan konsumen berdasarkan Area, informasi konsumen berdasarkan Area tanpa GIS hanya bisa disajikan dalam bentuk tabular informasi dan angka. Dengan GIS kita melihat data tersebut tersebar dan tervisualisasi di dalam Peta.

Berikut contoh visualisasi pada peta penyebaran titik-titik lokasi konsumen berdasarkan jenis perusahaannya :

Atau perusahaan Anda ingin melihat penyebaran New Product atau Product Launching selama periode tertentu pada peta? Hal ini tentunya akan sangat membantu guna melihat daerah mana yang pasarnya masih kosong.

Banyak hal lain yang bisa dianalisa dengan penyajian informasi data yang tervisualisasi pada peta.

Beberapa contoh diantaraya :
- Analisa rayonisasi, untuk melakukan perapihan rayonisasi.
- Analisa route ekspedisi.
- Analisa total penjualan berdasarkan pemetaan daerah, misalnya berdasarkan propinsi, kota, kabupaten,  kecamatan, kelurahan, dsb.
- Dan masih banyak puluhan analisa yang bisa dibuat dengan GIS ini yang tentunya akan membantu  peningkatan pertumbuhan perusahaan Anda secara nyata.

Hal-hal lain sebelum memperoleh data GIS ini adalah tentunya didahulukan dengan kegiataan pencatatan koordinat titik konsumen itu sendiri yang bisa dilakukan dengan aplikasi khusus yang tertanam pada SmartPhone.

Guna mengisi kesenjangan penguasaan teknologi, team kami memberikan penawaran untuk penyediaan sistem GIS ini pada perusahaan Anda. Informasi selengkapnya bisa menghubungi : Bayu - 0816760711 (Call/SMS/WhatsApp) -

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wayang kulit

Wayang Kulit, is a type of puppet shadow play performed around the Indomalayan archipelago, tracing its origins to India. It is derived from a Javanese Hindu-Buddhist tradition, where hand-crafted leather puppets depict epic stories of the gods in shadow play. A traditional Gamelan orchestra would accompany the story-telling. Wayang Kulit, is a type of puppet shadow play performed around the Indomalayan archipelago, tracing its origins to India. It is derived from a Javanese Hindu-Buddhist tradition, where hand-crafted leather puppets depict
epic stories of the gods in shadow play. A traditional Gamelan orchestra would accompany the story-telling.


Wayang, in modern Indonesian language, is loosely translated to mean "show" or "performance". Kulit means "skin", a reference to the leather material that the figures are carved out of. Some attribute the word wayang to the Indonesian word bayang which means "shadow". It is also believed that the word wayang has its roots in two earlier words: waya which means "ancestors" and ang which means "a symbol". The term wayang kulit is also used as an idiom to refer to the behind-the-scenes manouverings in the political arena.

The Puppets

The puppets come in all sizes, ranging from 25 cm to 75 cm. A basic village set has over a hundred puppets and there are as many as 500 puppets in a palace set. The important characters are usually represented by several versions in a set. The puppets are usually made out of buffalo and goat hide and mounted on bamboo sticks. The best puppets are made from young female water buffalo parchment and the curing can take up to ten years.

The Show

In a shadow puppet play, the puppets are moved behind a cotton or linen screen by a Dalang, or a "Puppetmaster". The Dalang tells the story, interprets characters and voices for each character, producing sound effects with speech and movement. He manipulates all the figures between the lamp and the screen to bring the shadows to life.

Most shadow play is based on two epic stories from India - the Mahabarata and it's sister work, the Ramayana. The Balinese and Javanese have combined the Hindu stories with Buddhist and Muslim ideas mixed with their own folklore.

Shadow play is accompanied by a Gamelan orchestra, an Indonesian orchestra. Many styles of Gamelan instruments exist throughout Indonesia. Each area has a slightly different approach to accompaniment, though most share the same root traditions. Gamelan players respond to the spontaneous timing and direction of the Dalang. The repertoire typically consists of an overture, music for travelling, character pieces, and battle music.

Wayang Kulit : Rama

Wayang Kulit : Sita

Wayang Kulit : Fire

Complete Set of Wayang Kulit

Seller :

Mobile Phone : +6285647358050
Phone : +6285647358050
Address : Surakarta, Solo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia

Mobile Phone : 62-81392011263
Phone : 62-81392011263
Address : Jl. Mondorakan 103 Kotagede Jogjakarta 55172, Yogyakarta, Indonesia